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Sakura Food & Drink: Japan’s Mochi Noodles & More

Not just a cultural symbol, the national flower of Japan – cherry blossom or sakura – is also skillfully used in cooking to create unique flavors and enhance the attractiveness of traditional Japanese food and drink.

What is Hanami? A Brief History

‘Flower viewing’ was originally reserved for a different blossom and the upper class. Nowadays, it’s enjoyed by everyone.

Hinamatsuri: Japan’s Girls’ Day Explained

Since the Heian Period (794-1195), every year on March 3rd is Girls’ Day, also known as Doll’s Festival or ‘Hina Matsuri’ in Japanese. This is a day in which families all over Japan wish for the health and prosperity of their young girls,

Discover authentic flavors with Sakuraco

Enjoy new Japanese sweets, snacks and tea every month starting from $32.50USD

Discover authentic flavors with Sakuraco

Enjoy new Japanese sweets, snacks & tea every month starting from $32.50USD