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A raindrop cake with kinako powder and kuromitsu on top.

Raindrop Cake: One of the Most Beautiful Wagashi!

Raindrop cake is a stunning culinary art that has captivated food enthusiasts worldwide. This unique Japanese delicacy is known for its crystal-clear appearance and subtle flavor. It’s a must-try for those seeking to experience Japan’s refined culinary traditions.

Edo-Tokyo Opening Air Architectural Museum in Koganei.

Old Tokyo: A Look at the Traditional Side of the City

Tokyo, Japan’s vibrant capital, has a rich history dating back to its days as Edo. In 1603, it became the political center of Japan under Tokugawa Ieyasu’s shogunate. Despite many changes throughout history, old Tokyo has maintained its traditional charms.

Discover authentic flavors with Sakuraco

Enjoy new Japanese sweets, snacks and tea every month starting from $32.50USD

Discover authentic flavors with Sakuraco

Enjoy new Japanese sweets, snacks & tea every month starting from $32.50USD