Category: Discover Japan

Valentine’s Day in Japan: The Ultimate Guide!

Valentine’s Day in Japan is a day when romance, tradition, and sweet gestures come together. On this special day, you can find signs of love and warm affection everywhere, from mythology and natural symbols to unique gifts embodying Japanese culture’s essence. These practices make Valentine’s Day a fantastic celebration of love in all its forms!

The Arakawa River, with Kawaguchi City in the background.

Kawaguchi City: A Hidden Gem in Saitama!

Kawaguchi City is a hidden treasure just north of Tokyo. While it may not be as famous as other Japanese cities, it offers history, culture, and nature! If you’re looking for relaxation or adventure, Kawaguchi has something special for everyone!

A woman relaxing at one of many hotels in Japan.

Hotels in Japan: Best Ones to Visit!

Japan is packed with hotels that promise unforgettable experiences, blending world-class service, jaw-dropping views, rich history, and a dash of the country’s unique traditional flair! 

Hanten: The Ultimate Winter Coat from Japan!

Hanten, offer practicality and are symbols of traditional Japanese fashion, alongside the famous kimono. Join us as we explore hanten and some other beloved Japanese winter jackets!

A bridge and a groom at a traditional Japanese wedding. The man is wearing a gray hakama and a black top, and the woman is wearing a white kimono.

What is a Japanese Wedding Like? A Look Into Shinto Rituals

A Japanese wedding is a beautiful example of how the country combines ancient rituals with modern influences. A traditional ceremony often revolves around Shinto practices, symbolizing purity, harmony, and good fortune. But, over time, couples in this country have also embraced Western weddings. 

A Japanese calendar next to a New Years decoration.

Japanese Calendar: What Are Microseasons?

The Japanese calendar includes many beautiful events, some popular globally and others less known. Kō (microseasons) were once celebrated but replaced by Western seasons

An omikuji (paper fortune) tied on a string.

Omikuji: The New Year’s Fortune

Omikuji, which means “sacred lot”, is a popular and traditional way to learn about your fortune in Japan. You can find it at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples nationwide.

A priest ringing a bell at midnight during Joya no Kane.

Ring in the New Year: The History of Joya no Kane

Joya no Kane is an important ritual during Japan’s annual Omisoka (New Year’s Eve) celebrations. Japan has practiced this ancient tradition for centuries, carrying a profound Buddhist philosophy.

Hokkaido Island: The Best Place for the Winter Holidays!

Hokkaido is the northernmost island of Japan and the most significant island after Honshu. It is surrounded by the Sea of Japan, Okhotsk, and the Pacific Ocean. It is particularly busy during winter. Being so far north and surrounded by water, snowfall is guaranteed yearly.