The Mythical Mountains of Japan
If you are an experienced hiker or mountain climber you may get permission to climb these mythical mountains in winter.
If you are an experienced hiker or mountain climber you may get permission to climb these mythical mountains in winter.
One of the amazing foods Japanese love to eat is natto. Let’s take a closer look at this underrated superfood!
Understanding of popular Japanese greetings and their rules can help make your next visit to Japan more enjoyable.
Golden Week is one of the longest holiday seasons in Japan, started in 1948. The name ‘Golden Week’ was coined in 1951 after the phrase ‘golden time’ from Japan’s radio and TV phrase, which was the primetime listening hours.
Japan as a whole has an intricate system for present giving that revolves around certain customs and traditions, including the customs around Japanese housewarming gifts.
If you have ever wanted to work in Japan or work with a Japanese business, it is essential to know the basics of business etiquette.
While Kyoto is one of the most beautiful and rewarding cities in all of Japan to visit, it is also one of the most popular places to experience Zen Buddhism.
What makes Japanese Fried Rice so special? What’s the difference between yakimeshi and chahan? Let’s find out.
Japanese kirimochi (cut mochi) is a dried and packaged rice cake, also known as mochi. Drying it makes it shelf stable for many months, which makes it a popular pantry food, usually coming in convenient individual packages.
An omamori is an amulet or good luck charm from Japan that wards away evil. There are many amulets/charms for different milestones, such as passing
Shinto is based on beliefs in the supernatural and nature itself. Its beliefs of purity, respect for the cycle of life, and “the way of the Gods” underline every aspect of traditional and modern Japanese culture.
In Japan, samurai are the ideal image that represents all the best qualities of a warrior: morality, courage, respect, loyalty. Let’s take a look at some famous Japanese warriors in history.
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