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Japanese Coffee Jelly: A Sweet Staple From the 60s

Head to any kissaten (old-style coffee shop) in Japan, and chances are you’ll spot kohii zerii (coffee jelly) on the menu. A staple of Japanese coffee shops since the 1960s, Japanese coffee jelly has become so popular over the years that you can even spot it readymade in the chilled section in convenience stores.

Japanese Arare Rice Snacks: Definitions & Types

Arare is a tiny type of Japanese snack, known and loved for its crunchy texture. Arare is made of glutinous rice or beans and comes in all shapes and sizes. In fact, based on the type, it can be called a Japanese candy or a snack.

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Discover authentic flavors with Sakuraco

Enjoy new Japanese sweets, snacks & tea every month starting from $32.50USD