Seven Things To Love About Kyoto: Japan’s Ancient Cultural Capital
Kyoto is a city that is rich in culture, abundant in cuisine, and populated with traditional architecture and magnificent temples.
Kyoto is a city that is rich in culture, abundant in cuisine, and populated with traditional architecture and magnificent temples.
Yokohama was one of the first ports that opened in the 1800s when Commodore Perry arrived on the shores of Japan with his ships. Since then, Yokohama has been the birthplace of a variety of delicious dishes.
Japan is well known for preserving its traditional culture. Even today, there are some hard-working people who make a living by cooking and serving customers out of a yatai or a traditional Japanese food stall.
Within a sea urchin’s spiky exterior lies a beautiful and luxurious treasure that has food critics and chefs raving about its unique taste. Allow us to help you break into the world of uni.
As one of the four main types of ramen, shoyu ramen (Chinese-style noodles in a soy sauce broth) has captured the hearts and stomachs of many a ramen lover.
Daifuku (stuffed rice cake) is one of Japan’s most popular traditional snacks and comes in a variety of colors and flavors.
In the first part of our Soba Dish Chronicles, we looked at the different types of soba dishes. In this article, we’re going to explore Japanese cold soba dishes and see what makes the difference.
A traditional noodle dish from the Edo period (1603-1867), soba has quietly maintained its popularity throughout Japan’s long culinary history.
There are a lot of different places where you can eat sushi but not all of them will give you the same experience.
Sushi: perhaps the most famous offering that Japan has given to the international culinary scene. But how do you eat it?
When talking about traditional Japanese alcohol, many people think of Japanese sake (rice wine). However, another popular drink that many people fall in love with is the popular Japanese plum wine.
Onsen (Japanese hot springs) towns are little resort areas whose main features are their hot springs and hospitality. Many tourists flock to these areas when they want to get a break from the city, look for a health retreat, or just want to soak in each area’s famous waters!
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