Category: Discover Japan

The World of Japanese Breakfast Food

Most visitors to Japan are curious about the culture, especially Japanese cuisine. One of the most common questions they have in mind is what do Japanese people eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Raku Ware: Japan’s Unique Ceramic Craft

Raku ware is a form of traditional Japanese ceramics. Raku pottery is most often seen in the form of chawan tea bowls (Japanese tea bowls), the bowls used in Japanese tea ceremonies.

Momiji Manju: Japan’s Amazing Maple Leaf Sweets!

These traditional Japanese sweets are a local specialty which were developed on the island itself. With red bean filling, they are in the same family as snacks like taiyaki or dorayaki. However, with a cake-like texture and an adorable leaf design, momiji manju are a must-try if you visit Hiroshima.

Sencha Tea Benefits: Everything You Need to Know!

Unlike matcha, or powdered japanese green tea, sencha is a Japanese green tea made by infusing whole tea leaves in hot water after they are processed. In this article we will look into the benefits and side effects of sencha.