Category: Discover Japan

Mitarashi Dango: A Kyoto Classic

Mitarashi dango (みたらし団子), the traditional Japanese skewered dessert similar to mochi, has become a popular treat enjoyed across the globe. Consisting of three to five

Amaou Strawberry: Fukuoka Prefecture’s Famous Fruit

While balanced in flavor, the Amaou’s sweetness is one of its most notable traits, and it has become a favorite addition to Japanese desserts, whether it’s topping a classic Christmas strawberry shortcake, or layering a delicious fruit sando.

Two men making what is mochi (yomogi.mugwort) flavor in a traditional pestle.

What is Mochi, and How is it Made: A Guide!

For many Japanese, making mochi (glutinous rice cakes) is a time-honored tradition. As a variety of Japanese cakes made from sticky rice dough, mochi comes in many different shapes and flavors.